$30.00 incl GST

Book Idea Book ONE

Designed for Year 9 students. This full-coloured workbook is designed for students who come to the science laboratory with a range of iinterests, backgrounds and learning styles.
Accessible language and appropriately leveled questioning provide opportunities for all learners to succeed.
Activities guide learners to explore concepts progressively and encourage incremental learning, ultimately leading to better learning outcomes.
Purchase of this book gives FREE access to sciPAD online providing unique and innovative digital resources
to complement the printed workbook.

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Merry Christmas from Team sciPAD

The sciPAD online shop is now closed for the Christmas break. You can still place orders, but they won’t be dispatched until the week of 20th January. Thank you for your support this year, and the team at sciPAD wishes you a safe and merry Christmas and a happy New Year!